GSA White Paper “It’s an Analog World” Describes New Analog Market

Kelowna, British Columbia——March 20th, 2023, SiliconIntervention announced today its recognition by the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) and its contribution to the publication of a white paper addressing opportunities and solutions in semiconductor analog intellectual property.

In the white paper entitled It’s an Analog World, SiliconIntervention, together with members of the GSA IP Interest Group, describe the analog IP market, customer demands, and innovative solutions, while recognizing opportunities for  future improvements.

Contributions include innovative solutions being developed for analog Foundation IP at advanced process nodes and the emergence of a new market category- Analog Computation IP.

“It has been a real pleasure to work with other members of the analog IP industry in developing this white paper,” commented Allan Cox, SiliconIntervention CEO, “and many thanks to the contributors as well as to Marc Canel, leader of the GSA IP Interest Group, Shungo Saito and everyone at the GSA for the opportunity to contribute.”

Martin Mallinson, SiliconIntervention Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, said, “Analog Computation, long thought to be obsolete, is a fast-developing technology sector capable of driving major advances in power efficiencies and performance gains, and we look forward to further collaboration with members of the GSA to make it a reality.”

Details of Silicon Intervention analog computation technology the “New Analog” can be seen at

Details of the GSA white paper can be seen at GSA Intellectual Property Interest Group Resource

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